Monday, August 23, 2010

A Stool Needs 3 Legs to Stand On

{the clutter thing and the bento box life}
So, I'm still thinking that the sandwich of my bento box (as I said) is work-work, but should be family, but then I never worked it out, exactly, what it would look like.
I used to think of it this way: that life was a 3-legged stool. The 3 legs are love life, family, and work. All three legs had to be solidly planted on the floor or you would fall off the stool. I have fallen off before. At one time I lost 2 of the 3 legs at the same time. Huge fall. 
The stool analogy isn't really working for me right now. I feel like I've moved past it. Plus, I think 2 of my 3 legs are shaky. But I don't feel like I'm heading for a fall. There are a lot of things I'm making positive changes about, so the 2 of the 3 legs are just "Under Construction." 
This is why I'm moving forward with the bento box idea. How many compartments are in a bento box? I need to figure that out. B/c to me, my life seems overwhelmingly distracting. There are too too many compartments. I used to be able to get it all done, but now, I realize, that's not true; I was just kidding myself. 
Maybe if you only get 2/3 of "it" done, and no one complains, then what you've accomplished is that you've done just enough to get people off your back. You work for them and not yourself. Correction, you're driven by them, like a mule. 
This is the pathway to mediocrity.
To be continued...

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