I don't usually write much on the weekends. I'm going to start this weekend early--not writing! I don't want to get too bogged down. I think it's okay to take a break from the page. I wrote a little bit today--maybe a sentence. Believe it or not, I have other writing projects that I'm doing. Book #2 is at 87 pages. I just switched over to that one. I'm workshopping it in some form or fashion on Sunday, so it's actually appropriate that I take a look at it.
Today I talked to my dad about some decisions I'm making. When I asked him if he was okay with it, he said, "Look, I'm not the ham in that sandwich!"

Is that too vague? Here is what I'm trying to say: I've got a full plate. I'm starting to think that other areas of life are creeping into my creative field of vision. Until I can get other stuff worked out, creativity will suffer. No matter how often I come to the page, my head's going to be crammed w/ some non-creative crap.
So, it's good that my dad is cool with what I'm doing. Because I'm at the point where, even though I care what he thinks, I have to do what is necessary no matter.
Shockingly, there are actually some other things I need to think about besides writing. This weekend I need a serious MAE-DAY! What is it with us Walkers and our sandwiches?
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