Thursday, August 26, 2010

50 Tolerations

1) Desk at work is messy
2) Car needs to be cleaned out
3) Bedroom needs to be cleaned up
4) Pack 1 box
5) Pack another box
6) Find all the parts to the crib and sell it/get rid of it
7) Sell or get rid of the fish tank
8) Mail the cell phone rebate
9) Write to Lee's mom on his b-day
10) Set up my Web site
11) Set up O's web site
12) Join a gym
13) Take boxes to Mom's house
14) Clean out the shed
15) Get rid of old clothes
16) Buy space bags for linens
17) Do TM on Sept. 11/12
18) Go through clothes
19) Go through the boys' clothes
20) Finish Fenn's baby book & photo albums
21) Finish Bear's baby book & photo albums 
22) Order the photo book from Shutterfly 
23) (private)
24) (private)
25) (private)
26) (private)
27) (private)
28) (private)
29) B-day cards/gift for Dad
30) {hidden}
31) Write Gaucho Heart
32) Write The Lucky Side of the Menu
33) Write Tristan de Cunha
34) Write The Awesome Adventures of Fella & Echo
35) Write Chocolate the Donkey
36) Arrive at work on time
37) Do yoga twice a week
38) Set aside time for writing everyday
39) Create the boys' summer camp folder
40) Put away the boys' folders in a filing cabinet
41) Get Camper groomed
42) Find glasses
43) Box up books I'm not using
44) Get my book journal current
45) Get new brakes
46) Get car inspected
47) Get oil changed
48) (private)
49) Make hair appt
50) Organize front desk  
I did this list as quickly as I could, in 1 basic seating, and without trying to think it out too much. Some stuff should be quick - like make an appt. Some stuff will take longer - getting the baby books together.  
Only 2 weeks to get everything done? 50 items divided into 14 days is... about 3 and a half things per day. Did I mention I'm going on vacation next week? I'm not going to let that stop me! I'm going to take action and get as much done as I can. Some things might actually be easier to do when I'm out of my usual environment. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Winding Path Away from Mediocrity

I said something previously about getting the piddly stuff done and it feels like swatting at gnats - you only do it when it's in your face and you have to get it done. Am I just going to go through life with this attitude? Do I want to hold onto these ideas?
Then I read an article by Chieko Watanabe - she's a really interesting life coach type of person who lives in Seattle. You can check her out @
I subscribe to her [Success Habitude] emails. Her latest topic addressed the 'gnats' in my life. I really like what she had to say and I like that it came on the heels of me being so negative about that.  
This is what really got to me: "...your personal energy is one of your most valuable resources. Protecting this asset is critical to ongoing success as an entrepreneur." For me you can substitute 'entrepreneur' with 'mom' or 'writer' or 'person' (as you can see, I haven't yet worked out the bento box -- to help with these issues).
Further, she says that the way to PROTECT YOUR ENERGY (vital!) is to get rid of energy leaks. "The easiest place to start? Tolerations in your physical environment." What I call gnats she calls tolerations. 
Tolerations/gnats are the lightbulbs you don't change right away, the car that needs to be washed, and bills you need to address. She says these are zapping our energy and to 'fix' this stuff, start a "cleanse."
She offers an assignment:
1) List 50+ tolerations 
2) Spend 2 weeks zapping these gnats. 
3) Enjoy renewed energy
Step 1 - become aware; step 2 - become active; step 3 - enjoy. 
Questions: does tolerance zapping make it into the bento box? Why are these things so difficult? Am I mistaking tolerances for essentials? Is that why the bento seems so hard to pack? 
Scared to do the first step of the assignment above for fear that it will 1) zap my energy and 2) I won't be able to accomplish essential bento-type goals. This is foolish and yet, my brain is telling me that this is a valid way to think. 
If BENTO LIFE = CONVENIENCE LIFE, then I'd better take a look at what is going on and try to figue it out. Where is the truth, beauty, love, and art in all of this? Is this a path only to accomplish goals or is it a path to true (sic) happiness?
I have a bento box to pack and another list to make. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shopping Online for Bento Boxes ~

A random Google Search produced these 3 contenders (plus many others):
1) Thinkbaby BPA Free Bento Box
The Thinkbaby BPA Free Bento Box is cute, comes in blue and orange, and is BPA free. But it only has 1 compartment; 1 compartment is not enough. Maybe it's enough for a baby. $12.99 from

2) Japanese style Hello Kitty 2-tiered Bento Lunch Box Chopstick Belt Bag
There are 2 compartments on each tier, is totally cute for a little girl, but a little too fru-fru to take seriously. Plus it's expensive. I'm not sure I like the whole idea of a tier. I'm just looking for a single floor unit. $41.99 from

3) Laptop Lunches
This web site is delivering an entire lifestlye. You can subscribe to their RSS news feeds for weekly ideas on what to serve in the bento box. The people on the page look really happy. The kids are smiling. There are lots of flags from different countries. The bento box really is an idea stolen from Asian culture. The bag that the bento box comes in is as important as the box itself - stripes, daisy, etc. There are 4 compartments - 2 large and 2 small, and everything is on a single floor. $36.99 for the basic unit from

Etymology (from wikiped)
"Bento" originates from the Southern Song slang term (pinyin: biŕndang), meaning "convenient" or "convenience." It's convenient to eat and to pack, but to prepare? I'm not so sure about that. Looks like a lot of work would need to go into it. But I'm digging one thing about this - CONVENIENCE.

Typical bento box:
Restaurant style:,_Koyasan.jpg

I'm kind of liking these pix of bento boxes b/c it has lots of compartments - at least 6 or 8 different kinds of foods are here. In the spirit of "convenience" lifestyle, I'm going to make an attempt at the bento box.

Instead of what's my sandwich, I'll be asking, what's my purple stuff? I think it's a radish, but aside from that,I think it's better not to have a preconceived idea of what all these foods are so that I don't rank something out of an order of importance to me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Stool Needs 3 Legs to Stand On

{the clutter thing and the bento box life}
So, I'm still thinking that the sandwich of my bento box (as I said) is work-work, but should be family, but then I never worked it out, exactly, what it would look like.
I used to think of it this way: that life was a 3-legged stool. The 3 legs are love life, family, and work. All three legs had to be solidly planted on the floor or you would fall off the stool. I have fallen off before. At one time I lost 2 of the 3 legs at the same time. Huge fall. 
The stool analogy isn't really working for me right now. I feel like I've moved past it. Plus, I think 2 of my 3 legs are shaky. But I don't feel like I'm heading for a fall. There are a lot of things I'm making positive changes about, so the 2 of the 3 legs are just "Under Construction." 
This is why I'm moving forward with the bento box idea. How many compartments are in a bento box? I need to figure that out. B/c to me, my life seems overwhelmingly distracting. There are too too many compartments. I used to be able to get it all done, but now, I realize, that's not true; I was just kidding myself. 
Maybe if you only get 2/3 of "it" done, and no one complains, then what you've accomplished is that you've done just enough to get people off your back. You work for them and not yourself. Correction, you're driven by them, like a mule. 
This is the pathway to mediocrity.
To be continued...

mae news

So at the bottom of the page is a gadget called "mae news." Basically it lets me enter in the things I want google to search for, and then it posts links to these news stories.

Here are my topics:
1) peace
2) poverty
3) poetry
4) music
5) starvation
6) tolerance
7) love
8) fireflies
9) john lennon
10) sunsets
11) art
12) books
14) children's books
15) literature
16) elephants
17) peinture
18) shoe wine
19) mae fever (this actually appears in "fannie mae" and "freddie mac" news
20) death by hot glue gun (research for a short story)

It's kind of cool to sit and watch these topics scroll through. One or two may never appear.