Who can not love this day!
The boys and I have happily cut out paper hearts and glued on sparkles for several hours. They are really excited for tomorrow. They know they will be handing out and receiving valentines. They each have a bag with their name on it to put their cards in.
They helped me to make valentines for their teachers too.

Spending this time with the boys is the best! Beren's Valentine's Day cards are 3-D dinosaur cards. They're cute! One of them is a triceratops and it reads "You're tops!"
Fenn's are Clone Wars, and he helped me write little notes to his classmates.
Here are a few of my faves...
Thomas - "I bet Thomas would love a jedi!"
Aiden - "You're the best bro ever!"
Kate - (we had to do 3 different cards for Kate until Fenn was happy.) "Kate is pretty."
Willow - "A really nice girl!"
Emma - "She teaches me how to gurgle right..."
Caleb - "You're the best cool dude ever!"
Carter - "I loved your birthday party!"
Michaela - "You are so important!"
... and my personal favorite
Madison - "You're my friend so much!"